Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Project Four :: Presentation Boards

Please prepare 3, 12" x 18", presentation boards for final crit. 1 board should contain your best monogram (large and small) on 2,
6.5" wide x 7.5" high
, pages. One sheet should be black and white, the second in color. Choose a color that relates in some way to your element's characteristics or properties.

The other two boards should contain your 2 best spread layouts. Those pages are of course
7.5" x 7.5"
. Images and monogram for the presentation spreads can be color or black and white, your choice. If your monogram is in color, consider using the same or a related color in your title text.

1 comment:

Jimi Isbell said...

whens this due by? I don't recall mention of this in class altho i may be wrong and didn't remember.